Document Type : Article


1 Ph.D. In public law, Faculty of Law, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Public Law, Faculty of Law, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.


"Transparency" as one of the qualitative features of the law is one of the important elements in the realization of the legal security of the countries and both the Iran's Guardian Council and the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany monitor the transparency of the law in various aspects to ensure the realization of quality laws. This article tries to examine and critique and analyze the criteria and method of supervision of the Guardian Council and the Federal Constitutional Court by using a descriptive-analytical method and reviewing the verdicts of the Constitutional Courts of Iran and Germany. The outcome of this article is that the practice of the Guardian Council and the Federal Constitutional Court is to monitor "transparency" as a verdict and content of law, but the basis of these two institutions are different for this form of control. The Guardian Council carries out oversight of the transparency of the law through Sharia’s oversight, while the Federal Constitutional Court considers the transparency of the law as an introduction to ensure the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals.


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