Document Type : Article


1 Assistant professor, Department of Law, Faculty of Law and political Science, University of ‎Mazandaran, Mazandaran, Iran

2 MA student in international law, Faculty of Law and political Science, University of Mazandaran, ‎Mazandaran, Iran‎


Globalization and emergence of global governance have changed the traditional structures of international law. As the result of a gradual undermining of the border between the domestic and international law and the expansion of interaction between global actors, having the mechanisms to manage them is necessary, mechanisms which create global administrative law. One of the important purposes of this new order is to increase the accountability of international organizations to external stakeholders, especially people and civil Society. Accountability as a new concept, has conjoint components ie participation, transparency, complaint. Application of these elements in international organizations system will increase the legitimacy of these actors.The question is, what is the practical status of accountability in international organizations? To answer this question, at first the article to describe the concept of accountability using the descriptive method, and then with analytical method and by virtue of the practice of some international organizations evaluate the status of accountability`s elements. The article finds that under pressure of public opinion and growth of the rule of law in international law, accountability have been applied sporadically in some international organizations but its integrated implementation international organizations, the strengthening of global administrative law is an undeniable necessity.


Main Subjects

  1. English

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