Document Type : Article


1 international law, faculty of law, Islamic Azad University Najafabad, Esfahan, Iran‎

2 Associate Prof., Faculty of law, Islamic Azad University Najafabad, Esfahan, University of Shahid ‎Beheshti, Tehran, Iran‎

3 Associate Prof., Faculty of Law, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran‎


Global environmental crimes could destroy human life; thus, they can be considered as major international crime. In the years since World War II, close attention has been paid to the importance of the environment as well as its health. In various treaties, support and protection of environment against war, chemical and nuclear weapons, as well as other crimes were emphasized. The author of this article believes that in order to prevent environmental crimes, they should be recognized as criminal offences and the perpetrators be punished. Only then they can be classified as separate international crime. Moreover, recent developments in the International Criminal Court's approach to environmental crimes make it possible for the Court to recognize them as a separate crime and define its policy in its Statute. As a result, this article seeks to explain the possibility of identifying crimes against the environment as separate crimes.


Main Subjects

  1. English

    1. A) Books
    2. Becker, H. (1963). Outsiders: Studies in the Sociology of Deviance. New York: Free Press.
    3. Carrabine, E.; Cox, P., Lee, M., Plummer, K., & South, N. (2009). Criminology: A Sociological Introduction. Oxford: Routledge.
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    6. Sands, p. (2003). Principles of international environmental law. Cambridge University press, second edition.
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    1. B) Articles
    2. Carl, B. (2001). All’s Not Fair in (Civil) War: Criminal Liability for Environmental Damage in Internal Armed Conflict. Vermont Law Review,.25, 695-752.
    3. Debbie Banks; Charlotte Davies, Justin Gosling, Julian Newman, Mary Rice, Jago Wadley, Fionnuala Walravens (2008). "Environmental crime a threat to our future", environmental investigation agency (EIA), London, pp.1-28.
    4. Durney, J. (2018). Crafting standard: environmental crimes as crimes Against humanity under the international criminal court. hasting environmental law journal, 24(2), 413-430.
    5. Kaul, H. p. (2005). Construction site for more justice the International criminal court after two years In A.J. I.L.the American journal of international law, 99(2), 370-384/ 372-373.
    6. Qudah, H. (2014). Towards International Criminalization of Transboundary Environmental Crimes. Pace University School of Law, available at law dissertations/16/, 29-73.
    7. Ruggiero, V., & South, N. (2010). Green Criminology and Dirty Collar Crime. Critical Criminology, 18(4), 251-262.
    8. Rauxloh, Regina (2011)."The role of international criminal law in environmental protection", Natural resource investment and Africa’s development, University of Southampton, pp. 423-460.


    1. C) Sites
    2. Convention on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law at
    3. bp-oil-spill-lawsuits-legal-33442.html (mentioning the legal ramifications of the BP Oil Spill; explicitly omitting any criminal sanctions).


    References in Persian:

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