Document Type : Article


1 Professor of Public Law, Department of Public law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Phd. Researcher, Department of Public law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


From 1980  to the end of 2022 the imposition of sanctions has been a significant part of the policy of the U.S. towards the I.R. of Iran. In the late 1990s the U.S. approach changed from imposing comprehensive sanctions to targeted sanctions; US imposed sanctions specifically against persons including entities, individuals, vessels, and aircrafts. A significant number of these Iranian and non-Iranian persons do not know how to be delisted from U.S.’ sanctions list or legally challenge the sanctions. In order to  answer to this legal question, the legal basis of the U.S. unilateral sanctions regime, the regime of sanctions against persons affiliated to the I.R. of Iran and, statistics of sanctioned persons is reviewed. In the end, after examining the administrative and judicial requirements and structure of the U.S. legal system, the researcher comes to the conclusion that the aforementioned persons, if certain conditions are met, may resort to the U.S. domestic administrative and judicial capacities to successfully challenge the sanctions. However, despite the existence of successful examples in this field, most of the efforts are not successful due to the compliance by administrative and judicial institutions with the U.S. foreign policy.


Main Subjects

  1. English

    1. A) Books
    2. Anglim, C. (2022). International Sanctions: A Legal Research Guide. William S. Hein & Co.
    3. Barnes, R. (2016). United States Sanctions: Delisting Applications, Judicial Review and Secret Evidence. M Happold and P Eden (Eds). Economic Sanctions and International Law.Hart Publishing.
    4. Gordon, R.(2019). Sanctions Law. Bloomsbury Publishing.


    1. B) Legislations

    - Codes of Federal Regulations

    1. CFR § 17.17 - Judicial proceedings. Available at: U.S. Code § 1331. [accessed 1 January 2023]
    2. CFR § 501.806 - Procedures for unblocking funds believed to have been blocked due to mistaken identity. Available at: . CFR § 501.807. [accessed 1 January 2023]
    3. CFR § 510.326 - United States person; U.S. person. Available at: CFR § 542.319. [accessed 1 January 2023]
    4. CFR § 595.315 - United States person; U.S. person. Available at: [accessed 1 January 2023]


    - United States Codes

    1. U.S. Code § 2401 - Time for commencing action against United States. Available at: U.S. Code § 702. [accessed 1 January 2023]
    2. U.S. Code § 704 - Actions reviewable. Available at: US Code § 706. [accessed 1 January 2023]
    3. U.S. Code § 1701 - Unusual and extraordinary threat; declaration of national emergency; exercise of Presidential authorities. Available at: [accessed 1 January 2023]
    4. U.S. Code § 1702 - Presidential authorities. Available at: [accessed 1 January 2023]
    5. U.S. Code § 1189 - Designation of foreign terrorist organizations. Available at: [accessed 1 January 2023]


    - Judicial Practices

    1. Al Haramain v. Treasury Department 686 F 3d 965 9th Cir (2012). Available at: [accessed 1 January 2023]
    2. Bennett v. Spear (95-813), 520 U.S. 154 (1997). Available at: [accessed 1 January 2023]
    3. Mathews v. Eldridge 424 U.S. 319, 334–35 (1976). Available at: [accessed 1 January 2023]
    4. National Council of Resistance of Iran v. Department of State 251 F 3d 192 (2001). Available at: [accessed 1 January 2023]
    5. People’s Mohajedin Organization of Iran v. Department of State 182 F 3d 17 (1999). Available at:,USA_CA_DC,4152e0ff0.html. [accessed 1 January 2023]
    6. People’s Mohajedin Organization of Iran v. Department of State 613 F 3d 220 (2010). Available at: [accessed 1 January 2023]
    7. Reiter v. Cooper, 507 U.S. 258 (1993). Available at: [accessed 1 January 2023]
    8. United States v. Verdugo-Urquidez, 494 U.S. 259 (1990). Available at: [accessed 1 January 2023]
    9. Zevallos v. Obama 10 F Supp 3d 111 (2014). Available at: [accessed 1 January 2023]
    10. Citizens to Preserve Overton Park, Inc. v. Volpe 401 U.S. 402, 416 (1971). Available at: [accessed 1 January 2023]
    11. Havlish v. 650 Fifth Ave. Co., Docket Nos. 17-3278(L). August 09, 2019. United States Court of Appeals (2nd Circuit). Available at: [accessed 1 January 2023]
    12. Holy Land Foundation v Ashcrof 333 F 3d 156 (2003). Available at:
    13. Kadi v Geithner 42 F Supp 3d (2012). Available at: [accessed 1 January 2023]
    14. Kindhearts for Charitable Humanitarian Dev., Inc. v Geithner 647 F Supp 2d 857 (2009). Available at: [accessed 1 January 2023]
    15. Islamic American Relief Agency (IARA–USA) v Gonzales 477 F 3d 728 (2007). Available at: [accessed 1 January 2023]



    - UN Documents

    1. A/HRC/51/33/Add.4. “Human Rights Council Fifty-first session 12 September–7 October 2022 Agenda item 3 Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development”. 13 September 2022. Available at:


    References In Persian:

    - Thesis

    1. Jalili, M. A. (2018). The effectiveness of American sanctions and legal solutions to deal with it. Master's thesis (In Persian).